<font size=+2>Oklahoma or bust Nicholas a Must!</font>

My Friends and Reflections Of The World Foundation have merged.

 To make a more powerful and far reaching organization.

 Our first efforts were for a young Man named Nicholas.
His story can be read at the link below!

 I drove to Yreka and filled up with gas and hit the I- 5 freeway
Like I had good sense. The little car was running great and it was
a beautiful day. I drove right by the 187 short cut to Susanville
like it wasn't even there. I was in such a state of mind about all
the things that were in store for all of us. I stopped at a rest area
and this is when I realized my mistake. I was just a few miles to
Redding and the 44 hi-way that runs to Susanville so I took it.

 There is a long grade just pass the half waypoint and that is when
things started happening. The lifters really started rattling.
I got to the top of the hill and stopped to check the oil and water.
Every thing was fine and the lifters quit rattling so I continued on
my way. Snow was about 5 feet deep on the sides of the road.

 I thought to my self this is not a good place to spend the night.
I started up another grade and the car got really loud and let out
a big smoke cloud. I stopped and every thing still seemed all right.
After this I had to really keep my foot in it to make it go.

 I was sure afraid I was going to spend the night on the mountain.
I jumped out on every downgrade to check the car. I passed a patrol
car that had another car pulled over but didn't think any thing of it
as I was in survival mode now. I seen signs that said it was 15 miles
to Susanville When the red lights hit me. I told the officer what was
going on but he cited me for a seat belt violation any way.

 I shut the car of and it would not start. He gave me a push and said
he would follow me into Susanville. I had to push the car now to make
it keep going but it never did heat up. I could tell I had lost 1
cylinder by the way it ran. All of a sudden it died and I pumped the
gas to try and make it go and all of a sudden fire exploded from
under the hood. I mean lots of fire! The officer came up and almost
dragged me from the car. I had my computer and clothes in it.
I got them out and the flames were everywhere. He called the fire
deptparmint and they were there in about 20 min. I figured the gas
tank would blow any minute. I never saw any thing burn as fast as
that little car. I am so glad the belt did not keep me in that car.

 The officer would not let any one get close to the car. The firemen
put the fire out in no time but the car was a loss. The officer gave
me a ride into Susanville and helped me unload at the Best Western
motel. These people were very good to me. After telling them about
what had happened and what we were doing. They played go between
Steve and I via the Internet to set every thing up for me to rent a
budget auto in Reno the next day. It was so wonderful to see just what
friends networking with friends can do on the Internet.

 O and by the way they did not charge me a dime for the room.
All I had to pay was the $18.00 for long distance calls to Steve
to make it all happen! This wonderful ladies name was Thailaj
I truly believe that there are angles in all our lives and at different
Times they are there for us. My angel on this day March 1 1999 was
Thailai. I never seen her but in my mind she wears a halo and will
Forever be in my heart. If you are ever in Susanville please stop in
And meet one of the LORDS earthly angles.

 I checked out and called the Stage to pick me up and haul me the
86 miles to Reno. We stopped by the Susanville prison to pick up
paroled and released prisoners. Then we were on our way. We dropped
the prisoners off at the Grey hound buss station then 3 blocks and
I am at the car rental. They were really nice and the Young lady gave
me a big good luck hug after hearing my story. I drove all night and
early the next morning pulled in to Greeley Colo.

 It was my first time to meet Steve and it was really great. I meet
him and his wonderful little wife and his Mother. It is so great to
meet really friendly people.

Where we are going and what we are doing!

My Friends and Reflections Of The World Foundation have merged to make a more powerful and far reaching organization. Our first efforts were for a young Man named Nicholas. His story can be read at the link below! 

If you want to know more about me check out my teddi bear

the bear is a gift from mat4ney ICQ#15845592 Dear Jeannette Parrott Hi! My name is Lorelei Shultz, my son’s name is Nicholas J. Shultz. My friend Pat Emerick saw your organization over the internet. Pat told me that she told you the story of my son, Nicholas. How he was hurt by chasing down an ice cream truck to buy an ice cream on his bike with no helmet. A van hit him and caused traumatic brain damage. The doctors say that brain injury reaches a plateau at a years time. He’s had a little over a year and five months on his brain injury. But I still believe and pray that a computer would help Nicholas make progress. Besides an injury, he has ADHD which means Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder which means before the accident, he was very very hyper and had too take medicine for his hyperactivity. Now because of the brain injury he is hyper four times more, and he’s also on medicine. Contact was made with a shriner clown friend in Oklahoma City who lives near Nicholas. He and his clown friends will present the computer to Nicholas and his family. Telephone contacts are in progress and we should soon have that computer but if you or someone you know might be able to support through donations or contacts please email Jeannette at reflect@connectexpress.com or send contributions to: Jeannette Parrott Reflections Of The World Foundation 19525 Stone Ave N. Seattle, WA 98133 http://www.reflectionsrwf.com/nicholas.html